Big Impact Grant
The Big Impact Grant is tailored for those with projects poised to make tangible and enduring differences. It aims to support initiatives with the potential to bring about significant and lasting positive change.
February 1st and August 1st
You must be a U.S 501 (c)(3) public organization or Government Entity.
Complete the online Grant Application. No hard copies.
Copy of the 501(c)(3) IRS determination letter or IRS Government Entity Letter. Contact IRS to get a copy of the letter at 1-877-829-5500. This is not the W9 Form or the Sales Tax Exemption Certificate. To obtain more information about Exempt Organizations – Affirmation Letters, please visit: IRS.gov
Copy of the most recent 990 form: 990-N: Gross receipts normally ≤ $50,000 Note: Organizations eligible to file the e-Postcard may choose to file a full return 990-EZ or 990: Gross receipts < $200,000, and Total assets < $500,000 990: Gross receipts ≥ $200,000, or Total assets ≥ $500,000
Recent Financials (Revenues/Expenses)
USA Archery Certification Level 1 or higher is a requirement for all archery programs supported by the Easton Foundations. Please submit a copy with your application for each archery coach involved with your archery program.
Please tell us how your organization will partner with us to help support our centers, programs, efforts, and our mission.
Itemized list and description of how the requested funds will be used.
Note: The Easton Foundations does not fund grants for salaries, travel, lodging, meals, prizes, or non-archery equipment.
To maintain focus and achieve the goals and objectives of the foundation, we will not provide grants to the following:
• Individuals, (scholarships, fellowships, personal assistance)
• Individual sports teams
• Private foundations
• For profit ventures
• Individual study
• Research
• Travel is not for the purpose of selecting and training men’s and women’s teams to represent the US in the Olympic games, Paralympic games, World Championships, World Cup events and other national and international competitions.
• Salaries
• Prizes and Trophies
• Any type of monetary compensation or reimbursement unless pre-approved in writing
• NASP equipment directly to schools or organizations. i.e. Genesis equipment
• Aerial Target Shooting
• Equipment outside the scope of program operation (example – motor vehicles, grounds maintenance equipment, bleachers, storage facilities, rental fees, fences, cover patios, etc)
• Top of the line archery equipment
• Marketing and Promotional items
• Media Productions
• JOAD funding directly to clubs
• We will not support organizations that discriminate against a person or a group on the basis of age, political affiliation, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief.
• Mileage
• Reimbursements
• Indirect Cost Policy for Project Grants and Contracts for Applicant Organizations
Indirect Cost Policy:
The Foundation is a charitable entity and is not committed to matching the indirect cost rates of the U.S. government or other entities. We recognize that this means that: (a) some grantees may need to engage in cost sharing between projects, tap into unrestricted funds, or conduct other fundraising to cover operations; or (b) some contractors may choose not to contract with the foundation. However, we believe our policy is consistent with that of many private foundations and certain government entities that have a flat or maximum rate that caps the amount an applicant institution can charge. The Foundation’s policy helps ensure furtherance of our charitable purpose.
Definition of Indirect Costs:
Overhead expenses or ongoing operational costs incurred by the applicant organization on behalf of the organization’s activities and projects, but that are not easily identified with any specific project. Administrative or other expenses which are not directly allocable to a particular activity or project.
What are the specific goals of your organization?
How do the goals of your organization align with the purpose and priorities of this grant?
What is the specific problem or challenge that your organization is addressing with this grant request?
Why is it important to solve it?
What are the key factors that will contribute to its success?
Why should the Easton Foundations fund this project?
How will your organization ensure the sustainability of the project beyond the grant period?
How will your organization measure the success of the project funded by this grant?
We will reach out to you within a 6 to 12 month timeframe following the receipt of the grant, specifically to request an Impact Performance Report. This report serves to assess the effects and outcomes of the funded project. It typically includes details on the achieved milestones, quantitative and qualitative measurements of impact, challenges faced, and lessons learned. This information aids in evaluating the effectiveness of the grant and provides insights for future funding decisions. You can access the form here: Evaluating our Impact Report
Please contact grants@esdf.org.
If you have read the details regarding deadlines, qualifications and requirements then proceed to apply for a grant by clicking the button below.