Bring Archery to Your Community
Expanding Opportunities Together
As the core mission of the Easton Foundations is to “Inspire Growth in Archery”, we believe to do this, we need a network of dedicated archery facilities across the USA. These facilities would collaborate to facilitate local recreational opportunities and education, state and national pathways, and space for local clubs to hold team practices and training. By creating this network of existing and new locations, we will develop a pathway that opens all archery opportunities from local to international participation. With a more comprehensive pathway we can remove many hurdles of participation and catapult the talent pull in the US.
We are creating the opportunity for state and local municipalities to submit their interest in bringing an archery facility to their community.
Community Facility
Chosen through municipality submissions of interest and evaluation of criteria required. A select number of locations will then be selected each year to participate.
50’ x 140’ design to accommodate a minimum of 8 indoor targets at 18 meters(20yards) to 25 meters, additional spectator area, program storage, and restrooms.
Host local recreation archery programs, leagues, and events.
Provide space for local clubs such as 4H, JOAD, S3DA, Boy Scouts, NASP, OAS, etc. to hold team practices.
Regional Facility
Locations will be chosen strategically to accommodate a network of facilities distributed across the US to ensure as many people as possible can participate in national opportunities.
100’ x 140’ design to accommodate a minimum of 16 indoor targets at 18 meters(20yards) to 25 meters, additional spectator area, program storage, and restrooms.
Space to be divided into two areas that allow multiple programs to be held simultaneously while also allowing for combined usage.
Outdoor target archery field with safety zones secured to accommodate at least 20 70 meters targets with shooter canopy.
Host local recreation archery programs, leagues, local, state, and national sectional events.
Provide space for local clubs such as 4H, JOAD, S3DA, Boy Scouts, NASP, OAS, etc. to hold team practices.
National Operations Archery Center
These facilities will be staffed full-time to support training and events at all levels. Regardless of discipline or skill level, they will provide a welcoming environment where everyone can come together to learn, train, and participate in the sport of archery.
Design to accommodate a minimum of 32 indoor targets at 18 meters(20yards) to 25 meters, additional spectator area, program storage, and restrooms.
Space to be divided into four areas that allow multiple programs to be held simultaneously while also allowing for combined usage.
Administration offices with conference room, program workshop, program storage, and reception area.
Classrooms to accommodate large training camps, sports banquets, and tradeshows.
Outdoor target archery field with safety zones secured to accommodate three 64 target 70-meter competition fields with fulltime dedicated area including shooter canopy.
Field archery course
3D archery course
Host local recreation archery programs, leagues, local, state, national, and international training camps.
Provide space for local clubs such as 4H, JOAD, S3DA, Boy Scouts, NASP, OAS, etc. to hold team practices.
Designed as a destination for national and international events in reasonable proximity to accommodations such as hotels, restaurants, and international airports.
Attract national and international training camps, coaching and judging training/certifications, Olympic and World class opportunities within the sport of archery.